Kit & Clover

The idea for Kit + Clover came to me as I was planning my daughter’s 10th birthday and she told me that she didn’t want the same birthday party that she’d had for the past 3 years. I have two kids and between them our family felt like we’d already done all of the birthday things and been to all of the birthday places locally. She and I both wanted something memorable. Something magical. And that simply didn’t exist in Northwest Indiana so I set out to create it. 

I’ve worn many hats throughout my kids’ lives, as a stay at home mom, Girl Scout Leader, PTO President, soccer mom, classroom mom, carpool coordinator.  Before that, I obtained a degree from Indiana University and worked in the aesthetics industry as an esthetician and Spa Director. I have a love for organizing, creating, and making people feel special. 

When I’m not working on your event, I am the coordinator of my own busy family. You can find me on the sidelines of my kids’ events, curled up with a book (and a Doodle) or on the beach with my family. I believe in self care and slow mornings. I love coffee. I’m gratefully raising my family in the community where my husband and I both grew up.